I had such great intentions this summer of blogging all about my crafting projects, my family, and everything in between. Where did the time go?
My sister-in-law has crafted for a couple of years now (check her out at her blog -rustyrelics.blogspot.com) , and this summer we decided to try our hand at a craft booth. I was so excited when we agreed to do it, but as the days got closer, I got more and more nervous! What had I gotten myself into? I just wasn't sure *what* I should be making. I felt like I needed several different types of crafts so that I had a little bit of everything for everyone.
Show off your fav 4-legged pup! |
I love visiting the Cricut messageboard and getting ideas for quick, easy projects. These magnet boards are exactly that! Corey happened to have some metal roof shingles left over in his shop, so I had him bring some in for me one night, and this is what I came up with! These boards are about 5x7, but are just so darn cute! I inked and sanded down the sides/edges, punched holes with my Crop-A-Dile and tied a ribbon. Walla!
I would love to write that I took these to the craft booth and sold each and every one of them. But I can't. I didn't even take them! As the time got closer, I decided to just focus on a couple of things to take. So...now I have magnet boards to give as gifts and to use around my own house. Love it!
What a "tweet" way to display a pic! |
I did, however, decide that tiles and etched/vinyled glassware were the way to go. The day was a little slow, but I am *so* glad that I did it. I'm not going to lie, I really had hopes for a rain-out or something in the few days leading up to the event. I was just so nervous and afraid that I was forgetting something or not doing something right. Although the day wasn't an absolute huge success, it was fun, I learned a lot, I had a great time talking and meeting people, and I even sold a few of my items! Can't say it was a disappointment at all! Below are a few of the tiles and glassware that I sold that day and in the following few weeks.
Like you forever tile (also made in pink) |
The mug on the left is etched "#1 Dad" and the one on the right is vinyled with "Drink like a girl". |
This is a 6x6 tile. One of my favorites! (I wish I could take credit for the design of this one, but I just had permission to use it.) |
The best part of the day? A couple of different people that spoke to Lindsay and me about doing other booths for different events. It's definitely not equal to my teaching salary, but the extra little funds sure do help with fun money! : )